
9月28 – 10月2, 2018 | 亚特兰大

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The conference will bring together the world’s leading minds, including philosophers, scientists, artists, and spiritual and futurist leaders, to discuss and explore Zen consciousness, quantum communication, and quantum field theory. We firmly believe that together we will create a worldwide revolution by combining the spheres of science and Eastern philosophy to help humanity realize that at the deepest sub-nuclear level and at the innermost consciousness level we are all one in resonance with the quantum field of universal consciousness. That oneness will lift us up and help to create a better world with new vision and high conscious intelligence.

The theme of GZC is “Imagine & Beyond.” It refers to tapping into our own innermost quantum conscious Qi plainfield, which allows us to access the original light of holographic intelligence that projects all physical and spiritual beings. This theme will be a major part of GZC at its inaugural event, and it will be the guiding light for the future of the conference. The theme reflects Zen consciousness of the cosmos and the quantum field that connects all, directs all, and projects to all the light of the visible universe. That quantum field connects all dark matter and dark energy with the origin of the universal consciousness. That is what we refer to as infinite Zen consciousness. It affects not only the planets in our solar system but also our daily lives in both visible and invisible ways. We must use our imagination to go beyond the physical and beyond our limited vision.

We shall “imagine” with that special human ability to see beyond the traditional and unveil the potential innermost intelligence inherent in all of us. Therefore, when one joins the conference, it is necessary to have a pure mind of meditation. One must be willing to let go of one’s self, the past, and any preconceived thoughts and concepts to see humanity’s potential. The conference leaders must be pure in intention instead of being clever or smart in competition; they must open themselves up and be part of the ocean of wisdom, never stopping themselves from flowing like water. This will allow us to ride the quantum wave of Zen consciousness to the infinity of the true universe.

Truth is never steady. Truth is never old. Truth perpetually expands, and contracts. It is fluid and it is wave like. It never stops. In grasping truth, our transforming minds perpetually perceive and conceive new realities and create new worlds with new vision. We can choose to create the reality in which we live. High consciousness, harmony, healing, health, and happiness are all our choices. That’s what the Global Zen Consciousness Conference is about.

Just as Albert Einstein broke tradition and connected to the conscious inner beauty of the universe to develop his groundbreaking theory of general relativity and gravitational waves, which took the top scientific circles over 100 years to prove correct and is still explored by scientists today, so too is our own ever-changing human creativity and innovation beyond the physical, beyond the known, beyond the data cloud, and beyond technology. That is why artificial intelligence can only trace behind the constantly changing and constantly unveiling innermost intelligence of human beings, which is in total resonance with the consciousness of the universe. Humanity’s innermost high consciousness is here and now, without beginning or end.

More information will be coming soon. In the meantime, if you have any questions, please email john@zenconference.org



德如 (刘向阳)一个禅意行者,少林第三十一代禅意与功夫修行人。他是第一个将少林禅武传授到美国,并且在全球推行了禅意。他曾担任美国散打国家队主教练有10年之久,培养出百名国际和美国国内优秀散打冠军以及六名UFC世界综合搏击职业名将。至今还是美国功夫联合会散打技术主席。他被称之为“美国散打之父”。他是少林禅基金会和世界禅意联盟的主席。多年来他一直在分享禅意智慧,倡导意识禅定,冥想行动起来增强和扩展我们的意识。他一直致力于学习与分享,中华传统禅意禅定,量子物理和量子信息传输学和它们之间的关系,特别是量子意识场和全息投影理论,来帮助人类连接到他们最内在的智慧和光明。
John Hagelin, Ph.D.
哈佛修研的量子物理学家,终身教育家,发明家 高意识首席研究员
John Hagelin曾在以超炫理论为基础的前提下,成功开发了大统一领域理论而闻名,从而获得物理学上享有盛誉的基尔比奖。在80年代早期,Hagelin就在欧洲原子研究中心和斯坦福线性加速器中心做研究。他至今在超对称统一量子学领域上发表过广泛的论文。不仅如此,他曾经是美国总统的候选人,曾多次出现在美国著名的华尔街日报和纽约时报等新闻与报纸中。他目前担任MUM理论物理学家理事及主席以及全球和平科学家联盟国际主任。他是全球继爱因斯坦后科学家倡导世界和平发展领袖,在全球特别是在美国,他是统一量子力学意识禅意空间归一领军人物。
Dr. Stuart Hameroff, M.D.
Stuart Hameroff,他是第一届科学意识会议的主要组织者,并且仍然是24意识研究年会的共同主席。 他最著名的是与霍金斯的同僚罗杰彭罗斯博士一起制定 “神经微管中的量子态是其出现的原因”Orchestrated objective reduction(Orch-OR)理论,该理论观察到:“意识是宇宙结构中的震荡。 他的研究工作与禅宗意识会议相一致,以真理挑战我们现有的知识,激发想象力并开创新。
北大教授刘丰这么多年来一直在做着的一件事就是运用了来自科学的四个基本概念: 维度、能量波、投影、全息,以此可用来解读不同的人类智慧系统。刘丰教授把量子力学等前沿科学,与中国传统哲学、佛教理论等融为一炉,提出:生命中最重要的事情就是提升我们的维度。他坚信,随着三位空间能量场加强,我们就可以融入和自由进入任何的三维空间世界。他坚持求同存异,提出禅创空间从我开启。

Conference Tracks

  • 禅意 – 超越想象

  • 禅意 – 当下 – 和未来

  • 和谐, 健康, 养生, 恢复 & 快乐

  • 禅意冥想

  • 超越冥想

  • 科学意识

  • 量子物理学

  • 量子交流: 古代禅意 -道-佛教-印度教-全息投影的起源

  • 禅的艺术和文化 – 从古到今的生活方式 – 企业运作

  • 禅悟/禅意 /武术

  • 禅宗教学/禅的意识行动

  • 企业家的禅意

  • 禅意 -超越一切人工智能 – 未来商业

6月8号, 2018
8月10号, 2018
6月8号, 2018
7月6号, 2018
6月6号, 2018

“A human being is part of the whole, called by us ‘Universe’; a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest — a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and affection for a few persons nearest us.

Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.

Nobody is able to achieve this completely but striving for such achievement is, in itself, a part of the liberation and a foundation for inner security."

Albert Einstein (1879 – 1955) Physicist & Nobel Laureate